We provide these services to you and others to further our mission. In return, we require you to make the following commitments:

General provisions when using the Service:

(i). Users must ensure that the information they use and post is truthful, up-to-date, complete, and accurate.

(ii). Users are responsible for keeping their password confidential and secure. We encourage you to use a highly secure password (including lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and permissible symbols). The account holder is entirely responsible for all activities carried out under the registered account name and password.

(iii). Users agree not to reproduce, copy, sell, resell, or exploit for any commercial purposes any TATTI Services (including your account).

(iv). Users shall not access or use the Service by automated means (such as harvesting bots, robots, spies, or scrapers) without our permission.

(v). When accessing the application, users must be at least 13 years old or access under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian. Using any part of the application for commercial purposes or on behalf of any third party without written permission from TATTI is strictly prohibited. If any provision of this Agreement is violated, the TATTI social network will terminate the membership status on the application without prior notice.

Scope of content exchange, sharing, and provision on the social network

2.1. Responsibilities for the scope of content exchange:

(i). Users understand that information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, images, videos, letters, or other materials (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Content"), whether publicly posted or transmitted privately, is entirely the responsibility of the person creating that content. This means that you, not TATTI or the Company, or representatives or personnel of the Company, are entirely responsible for: (a) all Content you upload, send, transmit, or create in another way through the Service, (b) your interaction, use of other people's Content on the application, or any damage or loss arising from your interaction or use of content on the application.

(ii). Users are entirely responsible for the legality of the content uploaded to the network. TATTI , the Forum Administration Board, or personnel authorized by the Company have the right to inspect the information you upload. If any violations are discovered, TATTI has the right to delete your content posted on the Service, temporarily suspend or terminate the provision of the Service to you without prior notice.

2.2. Prohibited content exchange on the TATTI application:

(i). Undermining national solidarity; advocating war, terrorism; inciting hatred, conflict between ethnic groups, races, religions;

(ii). Advocating, inciting violence, obscenity, debauchery, crimes, social vices, superstition, damaging national customs and practices;

(iii). Disclosing state secrets, military secrets, security, economic, foreign affairs, and other secrets as prescribed by law;

(iv). Disseminating distorted, slanderous, offending information about the reputation of organizations, the honor and dignity of individuals;

(v). Advertising, promoting, buying and selling prohibited goods and services; propagating banned press, literary, artistic works, publications;

(vi). Falsifying organizations, individuals, disseminating false information, untrue information infringing upon the rights and legitimate interests of organizations, individuals.

In addition to the prohibited content for exchange and sharing as provided by law, TATTI also applies the following restrictions to users of the Service:

(vii). Prohibition of insulting or mocking others in any form (mockery, ridicule, religious discrimination, gender, race...).

(viii). Prohibition of any actions of impersonation or intentional misrepresentation of oneself as another person within the TATTI community.

(ix). Not sending any illegal, deceptive, defamatory, abusive, obscene, pornographic, offensive, threatening, harassing, inciting information, or against the general moral standards of society to the community.

(x). Prohibition of content describing in detail acts of obscenity, violence, horrifying murders; posting, distributing shocking images, lacking humaneness; providing content, images, obscene paintings, lacking aesthetic value, not suitable for Vietnamese customs and practices.

(xi). Prohibition of advertising messages, invitations, promoting investment opportunities, or any form of commercial communication that users do not desire; violation or infringement of the rights of others, including materials that violate privacy or public rights, or copyrighted materials, trademarks, or other property rights, derivative products without the permission of the legitimate rights holder.

(xii). You may not upload viruses or malicious code or do anything that could disable, overburden, or affect the operation or appearance of our Products.

(xiii). You may not access or collect data from our Products using automated means (without our prior permission) or attempt to access data that you are not allowed to access.

Rights and responsibilities of service users:

3.1. Basic rights:

(i). When registering to become a Member of TATTI , Members will have the right to participate in providing, sharing, exchanging information on the application.

(ii). Members will be provided with a separate username and password to use the services, manage information, and content on the application.

(iv). The right to participate in the community, use and provide information on the TATTI application, and the right to share information in the formats specified by the application.

(v). Members may enjoy preferential policies provided by TATTI or other third-party partners.

(vi). Members have the right to contribute opinions to the application when using the Services. Suggestions can be sent directly via mail or email to the TATTI application administration board.

3.2. Basic obligations:

(i). Respond directly via the TATTI application.

(ii). Members will be responsible for the security, storage, and all activities of using the Service under their registered username, password, and email. Members are responsible for promptly notifying TATTI of any unauthorized use, abuse, security breaches, maintaining their registered username, and password for cooperation in handling.

(iii). Members commit that the information provided to TATTI and the information posted on the application are accurate, complete, and do not violate the prohibited content specified by TATTI and the law.

(iv). Members are responsible for the content, images of information, as well as the entire process of transactions with partners during the use of the Service.

(v). Members are responsible for cooperating and providing appropriate information when requested by competent state agencies to serve investigative activities or statistical work or other legal requirements.

(vi). Members must comply with the legal regulations on sharing, exchanging information, advertising, promotion, protecting intellectual property rights, protecting consumer rights, and other related legal provisions when using the application.

(vii). Members undertake not to use TATTI services for unlawful, unreasonable, fraudulent, threatening, illegal information phishing, disruption, and spreading viruses damaging TATTI's information system, configuration, transmission using for speculation, disruption, prejudice, market division, creating comparative information, ridicule, dissemination of fake news, including serving for market demand judgment. In the event of a violation, the Member shall be responsible for their actions before the law.

(viii). Members undertake not to modify, alter, copy, distribute, provide, or create similar tools for the services provided by TATTI to a third party without TATTI's specific consent.

(ix). Members must not act to undermine TATTI's reputation in any form, such as undermining solidarity among Members by using a secondary registered name, or through a third party or propagating information that is detrimental to the reputation of the application or other individuals, organizations.

(x). Renounce, and not claim any bonus, fees, royalties, charges, and/or any other types of payments related to the use of the TATTI application, disclose, apply, and/or modify user feedback.

(xii). The user agrees that TATTI and participating service providers do not provide specialized advice, the use of such advisory information or any other information is at the discretion of the user, and its risks shall not be the responsibility of TATTI . The user understands and fully assumes responsibility for potential risks and consequences.

(xiii). Do not unlawfully use passwords, passcodes, and other members' private information on the application. Do not interfere with the normal use of other users' accounts or passwords.

(xiv). Do not infringe upon, access, or use any part of the application's servers. Exploiting system errors for personal gain causing harm to the service provider is strictly prohibited.

Handling Mechanism for Violating Members and Conditions

4.1. Violation Review and Processing Procedure:

Essentially, the processing mechanism for users of the TATTI service who engage in violating behavior of the Agreement on the TATTI application is conducted following the procedure as follows:

(i). Notify the member of the violation.

(ii). Request cessation of behavior, correction of the violation information, or modification.

(iii). Request the removal of the violation information in case of obligatory information removal according to the Company's policy and legal regulations.

(iv). Employ technical measures to remove the violation information in case the member does not cooperate.

(v). Terminate the member's status if the member does not cooperate or continues the violating behavior.

4.2. Principles of Violation Processing:

(i). Depending on the degree of violation, members will be reminded through messages or emails or have their accounts permanently deleted without prior notice.

(ii). For each violation, a member will be reminded once. If the member continues to violate, the comment will be deleted without prior notice.

(iii). In cases where the user violates the law, causing serious consequences, the Provider may refer the case to the State management agency for handling according to the laws of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

(iv). If a user registered as a TATTI member does not adhere to the usage regulations in this Agreement, the user's membership status will immediately be terminated without prior notice.

Complaints and Disputes:

Any disputes arising during your use of the Service will be resolved under the conditions of this Agreement and the current legal regulations of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

TATTI only supports and resolves user complaints or accusations in cases where you have provided complete, truthful, and accurate information when registering an account.

In case any provision or provisions of this Agreement conflict with legal regulations and are declared void by the Court, such provisions will be amended to conform to the current legal regulations, and the remaining part of the User Agreement will remain valid.

Any disputes on the TATTI n application will be settled through negotiation, reconciliation, arrangement for direct meetings and exchanges between the parties, or any other arbitration method chosen by the parties through written consent.

Before resorting to alternative measures or legal proceedings as per legal regulations, TATTI encourages users or customers to contact TATTI first to find an appropriate solution.

Any complaints arising during the use of the service will be sent to TATTI's Support Department via the following information:

Email: immediately after the occurrence of the complaint event,

TATTI will base its specific resolution plan on each case.

Applicable Terms

This Agreement is established as the basis for binding the responsibilities of users of the Services on the TATTI application, and regulates the conditions that users of the Services must adhere to, applying to all individuals, organizations, and businesses using the application.

Commitment Clause

TATTI, along with organizations, individuals, and businesses using the services provided on the application, commits to comply with the provisions and terms of this Agreement.

Any violation of this Agreement will be accountable to TATTI and the laws of Vietnam.

If you have any questions, please contact us at